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Chester No.1 to Warrington, Walton New Junction

Junctions and other features Running Lines Stations, Signal Boxes and Junctions Distance from Signal Box above Loops and Refuge Sidings Notes
Up Down
Maximum permissible speed 75 m.p.h.
1 Chester No. 1
2 Guildon Sutton 1m 243yds
3 Mickle Trafford 1m 297yds c. 02.04.1951
4 Dunham Hill 1m 932yds DRS 48
UGL 60
c. 07.04.1952
5 Helsby Junction 2m 435yds DRS 50
6 Godscroft 1m 372yds
7 Frodsham Station 1m 448yds URS 32
8 Frodsham Junction 1m 325yds
9 Halton Station 0m 441yds c. 07.07.1952
Runcorn East o. 18.10.1983
10 Norton 1m 1627yds c. 07.07.1952
11 Daresbury Station 2m 135yds DRS 120
URS 134
c. 07.07.1952
12 * Acton Grange Junction 0m 888yds * Slow lines on West Coast Main Line.
13 * Walton New Junction 1m 159yds * Slow lines on West Coast Main Line.
