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Castle Cary to Dorchester Junction

Junctions and other features Running Lines Stations, Signal Boxes and Junctions Distance from Signal Box above Loops and Refuge Sidings Notes
Up Down
Maximum permissible speed 75 m.p.h. for passenger trains
Maximum permissible speed 60 m.p.h. for freight trains
1 Castle Cary Station DGL 135
URS 36
2 Sparkford Station 4m 1144yds DRS 47
3 Marston Magna Station 2m 1166yds
4 Yeovil Pen Mill 4m 484yds
5 Yeovil South Junction 0m 1012yds
Thornford Bridge Halt
6 Yetminster Station 3m 1188yds DRS 42
Chetnole Halt
7 Evershot Station 4m 946yds DRS 28
URS 48
Cattistock Halt
8 Maiden Newton Station 4m 176yds DRS 38
9 Grimstone and Frampton Station 3m 1056yds
Bradford Peverell and Stratton Halt
10 Dorchester West Station 3m 1716yds DRS 33
11 Dorchester Junction 0m 704yds
