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Peterborough (Wisbech Junction) to Wisbech North (Horse Shoe Lane)

Junctions and other features Running Lines Stations, Signal Boxes and Junctions Distance from Signal Box above Loops and Refuge Sidings Notes
Up Down
Maximum permissible speed 50 m.p.h.
1 Wisbech Junction
2 Wisbech Sidings East 0m 559yds
3 Dogsthorpe 2m 450yds
4 Eye Green Station 1m 1708yds c. 02.12.1957
5 Thorney Station 3m 411yds c. 02.12.1957
6 Wryde Station 2m 288yds CL 50
DRS 50
c. 02.12.1957
7 Murrow West Crossing 3m 696yds
8 Murrow East Station 0m 646yds DRS 40
URS 42
c. 02.12.1957
9 Wisbech St. Mary Station 3m 437yds c. 02.12.1957
10 Barton Lane 1m 1073yds
11 Wisbech North Station 0m 1420yds URS 45 c. 02.12.1957
12 Leverington Road 0m 285yds
13 Horse Shoe Lane 0m 421yds
