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Clifton Junction, Molyneux Junction to Clifton Hall No. 1 (Goods lines)

Stations are indicated by an ‘#’ symbol prior to the place name. Signal boxes are indicated by numbers in the left hand column.  Location names are as shown in the 1960 Sectional Appendix and may be different from the station name.

Section of Line Opened Closed Notes
Throughout 02.02.1850
Throughout 00.06.1850 (P)
Curve to Tyldesley line 26.05.1884 Apparently the Clifton Hall and Tyldesley lines crossed on a flat crossing until this date when a bridge was built.
Curve to Tyldesley line 31.05.1891*  
Clifton Hall No.1 to Patricroft Junction 28.04.1953 One source gives the closing date as 7.4.1953. This seems to be erroneous as the official report into the collapse of Clifton Hall Tunnel refers to traffic being stopped just prior to the tunnel collapse.
Molyneux Junction to Clifton Hall Sidings 13.06.1960* * I have another date of 16.06.1961, when Wheatsheaf Colliery closed.
Junctions and other features Running Lines Stations, Signal Boxes and Junctions Distance from Signal Box above Loops and Refuge Sidings Notes
Up Down
Maximum permissible speed 30 m.p.h.
1 Molyneux Junction (Map)
2 Clifton Hall No.1 0m 1517yds
Patricroft Station


Accident at Clifton Hall (Black Harry Tunnel) On 28th of April, 1953, part of Clifton Hall Tunnel collapsed. This is the official report into the accident and makes for fascinating reading.


After the closure of the spur to Clifton Hall No.1, apparently a half mile section of the line remained next to Patricroft shed and a brakevan special ran over it on 16.03.1963. Unfortunately, this is from a handwritten note I made some years ago and I did not record my source.