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Greenfield, Delph Junction to Delph Station

Section of Line Opened Closed Notes
Throughout 01.09.1851
Throughout 02.05.1955 (P)
Throughout 04.11.1963 (G/A)
Junctions and other features Running Lines Stations, Signal Boxes and Junctions Distance from Signal Box above Loops and Refuge Sidings Notes
Maximum permissible speed 30 m.p.h.
1 Delph Junction
Dobcross o. 01.01.1912 c. 02.05.1955
Measurements Halt o. 18.03.1932 c. 02.05.1955
2 Delph Station 1m 1077yds c. 02.05.1955 c. 02.05.1955


Delph trains also served Moorgate Halt, situated a few yards before Delph Junction on the Manchester to Leeds main line. Because they were the only trains to call at Moorgate, some sources erroneously show Moorgate Halt as being on the Delph branch.

For a period after closure, the station yard at Delph became home to a small private collection of standard gauge exhibits. In 1975 these comprised of the following:

Apparently this modest collection became a target for vandals and the engines were disposed of. I remember visiting the site some years ago, only to find the remains of the Mk1 coach being cut up on-site.

Much of the track bed has now been converted to an attractive cycleway.
